
Awareness in Action, is a non-profit think tank, based in Hyderabad, founded 15 years ago by a group of energetic young professionals and academic persons. It operates as an independent public policy, research and documentation institute.

It intends to advance social change through multiple activities. The team is involved in organising various programmes focusing on in-depth understanding of various issues of national importance, besides creating awareness among various walks of life on unexplored and ignored issues through intense debates, research, documentation, intellectual pursuits and campaigns.

Towards this destination, it has started organising workshops, symposia and other gatherings to initiative intense debates, exchange of ideas, interpretation of varies outcomes in a meaningful way and arriving on some conclusions on varied aspects of our national life.

It works among various social groups, academic institutions, non-governmental organisations, opinion leaders and policy makers through discussions, dialogue, research, pilot projects, advocacy, publications, lobbying and promoting transparency and accountability among public institutions.

For the last couple of years it has been focusing on initiating proper debate and thus understanding about issues related to national security, national unity, economy, social harmony and people’s participation in national life.

For the last couple of years it has been focusing on initiating proper debate and thus understanding about issues related to national security, national unity, economy, social harmony and people’s participation in national life.

It is now expanding its area of activity by focusing on issues like environment, human rights, urban infrastructure and Development. In these areas it proposes to take up intense exchange of ideas, besides some research activities.



  1. To create awareness among citizens on their rights and duties towards the Nation
  2. To infuse patriotic feelings in the minds of citizens
  3. To organise Public Talks, seminars and discussions on social and contemporary issues.
  4. To publish and circulate literature, make and exhibit films and street plays to achieve the above objectives.
  5. To create awareness among citizens on the developmental programs being implemented by the Central and State Governments.

Advisory Board

Dr. Dinesh Kumar

M.S. Chaitra

Sri M. S. Chaitra, currently, The Director and Fellow, Aarohi Research ...




Raghunatha Rao


B. G. Rajeshwar


D. Jagadish Kumar


M. Madhavi