A Symposium on Rethinking Globalisation:Economy and DevelopmentJune 30, 2018, Bengaluru.

Change in technology over the last four decades has been rampant due to globalization that one is compelled to be part the process irrespective of one's likes and dislikes, according to Proft. Dr. K. R. Venugopal, Vice Chancellor, Bangalore University.

He was the chief guest at the inaugural session of the symposium 'Rethinking Globalisation: Economy and Development', organized at Gandhi Bhavana, Bengaluru on June 30, 2018 by Awareness in Action.

Speaking after inaugurating the symposium, Venugopal said that technologies are changing at an extraordinary pace but India is not yet ready for such a change. He was highly critical of the declining standards of education and infrastructure and stressed on the urgent need for overhaul.

Speaking on the occasion, guest of honour, Dr. Shailendra Tyagi, Director STPI, Bangalore, gave an overview of how STPI was facilitating technology in the Industrial world of India and described the seriousness of government of India in building technology infrastructure for the future.

M. S. Chaitra, Advisor AiA, introduced the theme of the conference, T. Buchibabu, working president of AiA, gave an overview of activities of the organization, while M. Madhavi, secretary of AiA proposed vote of thanks.

Addressing the first session on international trade and WTO, Prof. Sambandhan, former Dean of Social Science, Pondicherry Central University said that developed nations, which advocated free trade for more than four decades, are now going towards the protectionist regime. He also said that the recent tariff wars across the globe had made WTO defunct.

Addressing the session, Prof. Ashwani Mahajan from Delhi University said that weaker nations are under greater stress due to inequality in trade agreements. Yatindranath of Strategic partner IEEE chaired the session while Prof. Suchismitha Satpati, BITS, Hyderabad was the coordinator.

Speaking at the second session on Sustainable Agriculture and Globalisation: A Holistic View, Prof. M. R. Anand, department of Agronomy, University of agricultural sciences, Bengaluru, explained agriculture sustainability and climate change and some solutions to tackle the crisis in agriculture sector.

Prof. Anish Gupta from Delhi University looked at globalised market, price change and cultural impact in a village microcosm. They stressed on the impact of globalisation on agricultural and rural livelihood, and explained that a combination of the new developments in technology with traditional practices can definitely bring change and enrich agricultural and rural economy. Both of them put emphasis on looking at multiple parameters of human life while looking at economic system. Srinivas Bhagavatula, Industrialist, chaired the session while Prof. Jagajyothi Barua, Assam, coordinated the session.

Prof. K. B. Akhilesh, Senior professor, Indian Institute of Science gave a detailed view of Technological development and innovation while addressing the third session 'Technology for Innovation and Employment'. He laid emphasis on the domains on which we can boost our employment patterns and argued for the need to have systemic reforms in state run labs in India to catch up with changing world. Samartha Raghava, CEO, 5barz chaired the session and brought the issue of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency as the pressing priority. Munender Reddy, Management professor, Hyderabad, coordinated the session.

Addressing the final session on infrastructure and manufacture, senior industry consultant in manufacturing sector, Arunanachalam Karthikeyan, pressed on systemic issues related to manufacturing. Prof. Kanakasabhapathi, former professor of Management and Member ICSSR, Government of India, stressed on domain wise priorities for various manufacturing industries for 2040. He also showed the significance the high adaptable condition of Indian business community and emphasised on the research needs that are required to study different manufacturing clusters in India.

Dr. Vamanacharya, former chairman, Karnataka state pollution control board chaired the session, while Prof. Sharath Chandra, Professor of Economics from Goa University coordinated the session.

In the concluding session, Prof. Lingamurthy, professor of economics, Gulbarga Central University gave his remarks from Academic community. Shakuntala Iyer, Convenor of the symposium, Madhavi and Buchibabu from AiA were present on the Dias.

AiA announced three more such conferences under rethinking globalisation theme in Bengaluru. The next symposium will be focusing on Governance, second will be on Health and climate change and the third will be a symposium on education.

Around 80 people from Industry and the academic community from 10 different states in India participated in the one-day symposium. It witnessed the presence of many dignitaries and people of eminence as visitors. Prof. P. V. Krishna Bhat, Member ICSSR, inspired the team of volunteers by his presence throughout the day.


Dr. Vaman Acharya

Industrialist, Former Chairman,
Karnataka Pollution Control Board

Dr. K.R. Venugopal

Vice Chancellor
Bangalore University

Dr. Ashwani Mahajan

Associate Professor, PGDAV College,
Delhi University

Dr. P. Kanagasabapathi

Member, ICSSR, MoHRD
, Govt. of India, New Delhi

Dr. Akhilesh K B

Senior Professor, Department of Management Studies,
IISc, Bengaluru

Shri Samartha Raghava N

MD and CEO, 5BARz India Pvt Ltd

Shri Shailendra Kumar Tyagi

Director, STPI, Bangalore

Dr. D Sambandhan

Formerly Dean, School of Social Science &
International Studies,
Pondicherry Central University

Shri Arunachalam Karthikeyan

Country Head,
Sequa gGmbH LO (India) &
Head of iMOVE Office in India

Dr. Anish Gupta

Assistant Professor in Economics,
Ambedkar College,Delhi University

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