Rethinking Globalisation: Issues of GovernanceHeld on August 11, 2018 Saturday at 9.30amVenue: Gandhi Bhavana, Bengaluru

It is not possible to address the fundamental issues of governance if we fail to reflect on what is the path of development that we want to follow, said Prof. P.V. Krishna Bhatta, Member, ICSSR, Government of India and Chancellor of Odisha Central University.

Speaking after inaugurating the second symposium on Rethinking Globalisation – Issues of Governance, organised by Awareness in Action at Gandhi Bhavan in Bengaluru on August 11, 2018, Krishna Bhatta emphasised the need to rethink the nature of governance.

India as a society, which was bothered about human welfare, should become a driver for the new path of globalisation so that people not just in India, throughout the world are benefited.

Speaking on Governance and Bureaucracy, Shri Jayaprakash Narayan, Founder, Lokasatta emphasised the two-way relationship that is necessary between the administrative machinery and the citizens without which, benefits will not reach the end user.

Speaking on the same issue, IRS officer, Dr. Y.V.S.T. Sai, outlined the nature of governance structure and its realities and he felt that there is a dire need to incorporate the new challenges of our time with new technology in governance. Ananta Bhat coordinated the session.

Speaking on Participatory Governance, Prof. Parthasaradhi said that participation of various stakeholders, though prevalent and necessary, has not been adequate. He articulated the possible models to enhance the efficiency of the governance.

Prof. Ashok Kumar, while using examples to reflect on participatory governance, articulated the success stories of Bengaluru. Both the speakers said that the attentiveness of stakeholder could make governance efficient and competitive. Dr. Atungbou coordinated the session.

Speaking on Governance and Industry, Shri Janardhan, Vice president, FKCCI, explained the possibility of multiple intermediary institutions in facilitating the issues of good governance. He suggested to evolve such mechanism in all dimensions of the governance.

Director General, Services Exports Promotion Council,

Smt. Sangeeta Godbole, described the complex administrative structure and the statutory mechanism that are involved in governance and raised a series of issue that could be of productive investment to think about governance.

Dr. Basavaraj coordinated this session.

Dr. Priyesh concluded the symposium by reviewing the entire day's deliberation. Earlier, AiA secretary, Madhavi elaborated the activities of organisation, while Prof. Suchismita Satpathy outlined the concept of governance issue and globalisation. Working president of AiA, Buchibabu offered vote of thanks.


Prof. P.V. Krishna Bhatta

Member, ICSSR, Chancellor,
Odisha Central University

Dr. Jayaprakash Narayan, IAS (Rted)

President, Loksatta Party

Shri YVST Sai, IRS

Commissioner of Income Tax

Smt. Sangeetha Godbole, IRS

DG, Services Exports Promotion Council

Prof. Y. Prathasaradhi

Director, RCUES, OU

Prof. N.S.Ashok Kumar

Professor, Bangalore University

Shri C.R.Janardhana

Senior Vice President, FKCCI

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